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If You Experience Any Of These 7 Signs You Are Living In Synchronicity With The Universe…


Synchronicities are series of coincidences that carry a powerful meaning for the individual that experiences them, a meaning that cannot be explained by ordinary terms.

Their perfect timing and overwhelming meaning resonating with other areas of your life make them seem to defy natural explanation.

A synchronicity is believed to be a sign from the Matrix telling you that you’re on the right track and aligning perfectly with the flow of the universe.

But how to recognize the difference between a synchronicity that brings deeper meaning and a subconscious attempt to find patterns and meaning where there is none?

Here are 7 of the most common synchronicity signs you must pay attention to:

7 Signs That Reveal A Synchronicity

7 Signs You Are Living In Synchronicity

1. You see repetitive numbers like 1111, 222, 333.

This is considered as the most common sign that people receive from the universe.

Others identified them as signs from our spirit guides or angels, telling us that we’re divinely guided and nudging us to go forward because we’re on the right path.

2. You think of someone who instantly calls or sends you a text message right after.

This is a synchronicity that happens to most of us and simply regarded as plain coincidence. You call someone and they’d say that they’re just thinking of you. Or you just think of them and immediately receive a message from them.

It’s because this synchronicity is grounded by an energetic connection that we have to all things around us, which makes us possible to tap into what others are thinking, or knowing others intentions, regardless of the distance.

3. You hear in your mind the first few lines of the next song to be played on the radio before it plays.

Just when you start singing the song that pops up in your head, you hear it instantly being played on the radio or at the shopping mall. It happens to most of us.

Living in alignment with The Universe and your truth increases your psychic abilities. Our precognitive abilities respond to stimuli before the stimuli appears.

4. The answer to the questions you’ve been asking yourself suddenly appears to you.

There are some aspects of your life where you need more clarity like what your next career move would be, an advice for a big project or maybe even waiting for a sign about a relationship you’re currently in. Then the answers are readily available to you at the moment or in ways you least expect.

A true example of one man who suffered from depression: He tried everything to overcome his depression, from meditation and Yoga to different medications, exercising and healthy diets. However, nothing really helped. He was desperate to find a solution, an answer how to overcome his depression, how to help himself. One day while he was looking for a book in the library the answer appeared right in front of him. He saw a book that had nothing written on its front page but the word Play. Suddenly he got his answer. The word resonated so deeply and powerfully with him that he understood the core of healing his depression.

5. You feel the perfect timing is with you.

When you work with the universe, it will work for you in return. It opens up more synchronicities in your life.

You’ll experience good timing and impeccable flow. You feel that you’re exactly at the right place, at the right time, doing what you need to be doing. There is no friction to what you do but it feels like it’s flowing.

6. You randomly receive gifts you secretly wanted.

Maybe there’s something you secretly desire without telling anyone about it. It may be a book you want to read or a gadget you want to buy. Surprisingly, your friend or partner hands it to you, telling you that they just thought you’d like it.

When you desire things from your truth the desire is pure. It’s in alignment with The Universe and something much bigger than an egoistic satisfaction. This spiritual magnetism is a lot stronger than shallow desires.

7. You accidentally meet someone who has the ability to help you through your biggest dilemma or current need.

When you meet someone who has the answer to your problems in an hour and place you least expect, know that it’s the universe’s way of telling you it hears your calling. You’re in perfect alignment with the flow of the universe.

You might want to travel to a certain place and you meet someone who has just been to that place. Even more, they start talking about it without you even saying anything about that topic. They have a message for you that you need to listen to. It might help you with your choice.

If you want more synchronicity to manifest in your life, meet where the universe is, live from the truth of your heart. Put more effort to raise your vibration, take care of yourself, eat healthy, and most importantly, follow your heart.

The universe is always open to guide you as long as you keep your alignment with it.

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Watch: A crowd of 65,000 sings ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ perfectly while waiting for a Green Day concert


They even hummed out the guitar solo.

As 65,000 Green Day fans eagerly waited at London’s Hyde Park on July 1 for the punk rock band to set up the stage and start playing, the stadium blared out Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody on the speakers.

The inevitable happened – all 65,000 fans passionately broke into song, matching Freddie Mercury’s voice note for note. The best part is, many of the audience even hummed out the guitar solo.

The video recorded from the stage perfectly captured the crowd’s enraptured rendition of the song. A cult song, Bohemian Rhapsody has earned a name for itself as one of the most popular numbers in the world, especially for its sing-alongs (which have been referenced frequently in pop-culture and memes).

For anyone who knows the song or loves singing it, the video is sure to have them covered in goosebumps – many viewers teared up. As someone commented, “It’s just so emotional because all those thousands people who don’t know each other, are just unified by music,” while another wrote, “Only Queen can rock an entire stadium without even being there.” A third joked, “Imagine standing there not knowing the lyrics.”

A similar scene occurred in 2013, at the Emirates stadium, also before a Green Day show. Watch the video:

Source: scroll.in

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It Takes Special People to Speak Out Against the System


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Science Connects Social Anxiety With High IQ & Psychic Abilities



Social anxiety is something lots of people deal with. General anxiety actually affects over 40 million adults here in the United States alone, that is about 18 percent of the population!

Anxiety is something that can control your life depending on the severity of it, but with that being said in some ways anxiety may actually be good for you. One study carried out by Lakehead University showed that people with anxiety had a tendency to score higher on tests that involved verbal intelligence. People with anxiety also have something known as ‘sentinel intelligence,‘ this being the ability to detect threats that other people were completely oblivious to.

Anxiety is something we cannot just get rid of overnight, but it can be worked through in many ways. Something that really helped me is meditation and practicing mindfulness, but there are so many different ways to channel your anxiety! What works for one person will not always work for another, no matter what anyone says!


Once we realize how special our anxiety makes us, we are able to open up to a whole new world. An anxious mind is a searching mind. People with anxiety are constantly analyzing things and tracking their thoughts. Many people would call this a bad thing, but it’s really not! It just means that you are more aware of the things going on in your world.

People with higher levels of anxiety have even been found to be more empathetic. (To see the full study on this please click here.) When I say empathetic I mean they are able to read the thoughts and feelings of others without words. Socially anxious individuals are quite unique and interesting when you really think about it. Lots of them can pick up on someone’s mood before they even enter a room!

So, the next time you are putting yourself down for your social anxiety think about these things! You are a beautiful and unique individual, everything about you, including your social anxiety make you the person that you are and that my friend is an amazing thing!

For more information on how having anxiety seems to make people smarter please check out the video below. While there is still a lot we do not know about this disorder as well as others it seems those suffering from it have the upper hand in quite a few areas.

Inspired by an article written by Spiritual Man 


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What it Means to Love A Girl Who Has Lived Through Trauma



A girl who has lived through trauma has managed to make it through a situation in which her everything was not her own. I say this because her mind, body, and everything else felt disjointed. In traumatic situations, we are bursting at the seams.

A girl who has made it through trauma has pushed far further than the rest of this world. She managed to keep from drowning even though she did not know how to swim. She ran through the fire barefoot and came out still engulfed in the flames all the while breathing and alive. She did not succumb to the things this world has thrown at her. She hit hard and yet still did not break.

She is a survivor. She did this on her own, she made it through. That being said, she will never be the same. Trauma is something that haunts us all once we experience it, it never really goes away. Sometimes it is loud and other times it is quiet. Trauma can be an overwhelming scream only you hear or it can be a whisper in your ear.

It is like nails on a chalkboard or the moment you wake up covered in sweat terrified from a nightmare. It is the nagging fear of restfulness and the knowing that you will never be whole again. There is nothing else in this world like it and it is something we have to deal with all on our own. Trauma comes with the feeling that you are being watched even when walking down the street. It is feeling like the word victim is stamped on your forehead for the world to see.


When you love a girl who has battled trauma you are really in for something special. You are telling her that you believe that you can heal her and that even if you can’t you will be there by her side through whatever this never-ending storm throws her way. Loving her will take time and patience but it will be marvelous. She will be worth it in every possible way.

Sure, she is complicated and stained with memories she wishes she could forget, but your stitching may be exactly what she needs to piece herself back together. When she realizes that your love is true and that you are choosing to really love her, and not hurt her she will love you back. She will love you with an intensity like nothing you have ever felt before. You will see her scars and know that they make her all the more perfect.

You will choose to hold her hand despite its awkwardness. She is not used to being chosen and she is not used to feeling this way. In the end, you are giving her the greatest gift you possibly could. Something to either take away her pain or help her through it.


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Why Do Some People Always Get Bitten By Mosquitoes While Others Don’t?


Have you ever felt like you’re being specifically targeted by mosquitoes when you end up with itchy welts all over your body, while your friends seem like they’re not even aware of the pesky biters’ existence?

Well, it’s not your imagination. Research has proven that mosquitoes DO have preferences when it comes to picking out the people they want to suck blood from.

  • In a feature by WebMD, Jerry Butler, PhD, professor emeritus at the University of Florida posited that “one in 10 people are highly attractive to mosquitoes”.

    Here’s the thing – mosquitoes don’t suck blood for food. In fact, only female mosquitoes bite people because they need proteins from human blood to develop fertile eggs and create more mosquito babies.

    85 percent of our likelihood to get bitten by mosquitoes is due to genetics.


1. You have Type O blood

Some blood types are indeed sweeter than others, metaphorically speaking. A study found that people with Type O blood are 83% more likely to get bitten. People with Type A blood are least likely to become mosquito prey, while those with Type B blood are kind of in the middle.

In addition, 85% of people produce a secretion that signals their blood type, making them more obvious prey for mosquitoes compared to the non-secretors, regardless of blood type.

2. You have a large body size

This has to do with your metabolic rate, or the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) released from your body as it burns energy. Mosquitoes use CO2 as their primary means of identifying targets and can actually sense CO2 from up to 50 metres away!

Larger people tend to exhale more and give off more carbon dioxide, which is why mosquitoes prefer to go for adults over children. Men are also more likely to be bitten by mosquitoes compared to women, as well as obese or overweight peopledue to their larger body size and relative heat

3. You’re pregnant

According to a study done in Africa, pregnant women are twice as likely to attract mosquitoes compared to their non-pregnant peers because they give off a greater amount of CO2. In fact, a 2002 study found that women in the later stages of pregnancy exhale 21% more CO2 than non-pregnant women, making them even more noticeable to the pests.

4. You’ve been exercising or exerting yourself physically

Mosquitoes are attracted to lactic acid, a compound produced by the body after working up a sweat, hence you’re more likely to get bitten by mosquitoes if you’ve just gone out for a run or finished a workout at the gym.

Besides that, the body also experiences a heat increase because of a raise in your body’s metabolic rate after strenuous activity or vigorous exercise. Warmth becomes more attractive to mosquitoes as they approach a potential victim.

5. You’ve just had a beer or a glass of wine

Drinking alcohol also raises your metabolic rate and your body temperature, making you very appealing to mosquitoes.

6. You’re wearing red or dark-coloured clothing

Apart from smell, mosquitoes also rely on sight to spot their prey. Red makes you a prime target, as well as dark colours such as black and blue.

Dr. Jonathan Day, a medical entomologist and mosquito expert at the University of Florida, explained, “Mosquitoes have problems flying in even a slight wind, and so they keep close to the ground. Down there, **they spot hosts by comparing your silhouette to the horizon. Dark colours stand out, while light shades blend in.”

7. Certain elements of your body chemistry are actually calling out to the mosquitoes

People who produce excess amount of certain acids (e.g. lactic acid, uric acid) and/or have higher concentrations of steroids and cholesterol on their skin surface tend to attract mosquitoes. This does not necessarily mean that mosquitoes prey on those with high cholesterol. Rather, these people naturally metabolise and process cholesterol faster than others, the byproducts of which remain on the skin’s surface.

On the other hand, a study done by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine found that people who are bitten less frequently seem to “smell differently to mosquitoes”, almost as if they produce a natural repellent. Ugh, lucky.

Source: Says.com


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According to Astrology, August Will Finally Rejuvenate Our Inspiration and Bring Warmth & Relief


By Tryptamine Astrology Readings

As predicted before it happened, the month of July so far has been volatile and emotionally explosive. At least this is my personal experience, maybe you don’t think the prediction was accurate.

But next month in August, I think people’s inspiration collectively will finally resurface again after the devastating energy of 2016 (which I believe to be caused by Saturn square Neptune and certain astrology aspects that haven’t occurred since 1989).

In August, when the eclipses in Leo and Aquarius occur, they will make positive aspects to the planet of thinking, sparks of inspiration, ideas, activism, ect: Uranus. Not only will they positively aspect the planet of thinking and learning, but Leo and Aquarius are the signs of creation as is: Leo is about creation, skills, arts, the Sun, music, and life as a whole: Aquarius is the sign of Uranus, of thinking, learning, ect.

For once, we will have a month of better energy. First it will start off calm and uneventful: then the first eclipse a week and a half into August will intensify feelings of warmth and general good energy in the air.

Deep heart and empathy (Venus in Cancer), calm and reserved thinking (Mercury in Virgo), warmth and good spirit (Sun and Mars in Leo), and other factors are sure to make this month relieving.

In the early days of August, the air will be much more calm, quiet, and relaxed than it was during the month of July. Reserved, quiet Virgo energy will be flowing through people’s minds (Mercury). Sunny, warm Leo energy will be flowing through the Sun and Mars, and Venus will lightly increase people’s empathy being in Cancer, culminating to a peak of spiritual, empathy-rich energy when Venus trines Neptune.

Leo energy is very pleasant to feel in the air every August, and Sun conjunct Mars in Leo is the epitome of warm, human, grounded sunny feeling.

Leo squares Scorpio, and is essentially the antithesis of dark, scary energy: so people who are disturbed with the darkness in the world or the dark side of truth are sure to be relieved during this time.

If the reality of the world has you disturbed right now, it will certainly be alleviated in August. However in the middle of the month, that dark-truth energy might briefly resurface when Jupiter square Pluto peaks, and when Venus opposes Pluto.

The moment of calm will culminate into a warm, human, once more kind of inspired and grounded energy on the eclipse August 9th. It will be a Full Moon eclipse in Leo and Aquarius. A full article about this eclipse is coming soon. People’s inspiration and warmth will noticeably increase after this eclipse.

Then, Mercury in Virgo will make a positive sextile to Venus in Cancer, and this health conscious, empathic, animal loving kind of calm energy will nicely compliment the sunny Leo energy.

The week after the first eclipse will be a particularly great week: the Sun and Mars will make one of the most positive aspects in astrology, sextiles to Jupiter. At the same time, people will get a surge of empathy, love, spiritual type feelings and things like that when Venus in Cancer trines Neptune in Pisces. This will probably be the nicest week people have collectively felt in a long time.

However, there’s one strange, Scorpio/Pluto-like, darkness filled aspect that will strike for the final recent time this month: Jupiter square Pluto. This is a brief moment of darkness (Pluto) coming to light (Jupiter).

Jupiter square Pluto is the aspect that peaked in November 2016, with all the planets in Scorpio, when “pizza-gate” started blowing up and all that type of stuff (whether or not you find truth in that, the aspect causes darkness to come to light and explode to the surface).

Unfortunately there might be some kind of flood of “darkness” to the collective consciousness in mid-August, either darkness being exposed or just being prominent in the air or something along those lines, when Venus in Cancer opposes Pluto and squares Jupiter, agitating the Jupiter square Pluto.

Then, the Mars sextile Jupiter will smooth things out with general good feelings, and Mercury will start retrograding in Virgo opposite Neptune, adding watery, spiritual Neptune energy to the air (not so negative retrograde).

Finally, on August 21st, the great New Moon eclipse will occur. This is a really special moment that could signal a return of many people’s inspiration, particularly thinkers, activists, ect. (all Uranus type people). The most important thing to understand about the eclipse is probably the fact that it exactly trines Uranus.

This is a blast of electricity, inspiration, the spark of idea, activists’ inspiration, thinker energy to everyone on Earth at once. The eclipse and Uranus are both at exactly 28 degrees Leo and Aries.

Also serendipitously, Mercury is conjunct the dwarf planet Orcus on the eclipse: we don’t really know what Orcus does, but astrologers believe when Mercury conjoins a dwarf planet, it brings some far out, usually untouched energy from deep in space out to the front of our minds.

The eclipse is exactly trine Uranus: positively flooding the air with electric thinker energy, the activists’ energy, the inspiration and spark that people have longed for the rejuvenation of.

To prolong the thinker’s energy and the spark of inspiration, but in a volatile way, Venus will leave Cancer squaring Uranus a few days after the eclipse.

If you find this to be accurate after it happens, or found the last month’s predictions to be accurate, stay tuned for more astrology articles, or follow Tryptamine Astrology at this link.

Featured image: Getty Images

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There Are 12 Types Of Lightworkers That Transform The Human Spirit! What Kind Of A Lightworker Are You?


Serving humanity doesn’t have to be in the limelight, on the stage, you don’t have to be a spiritual teacher to have an enlightening impact on others. No matter where you are: in a normal looking environment, working in a corporate job, playing in the mainstream area of reality… wherever you are, you’re able to walk your Lightworker’s path.

People notice your vibrancy, your love, and support for others, your exemplary service, and the positivity you naturally impart with others. That’s what really helps in the end.

Just being you and in alignment with your truth is enough. That’s what inspires positive change in others, that’s what heals and ignites the light in others’ souls!

There are 12 types of a Lightworker and all of them serve the same core purpose, being of service to humanity. That service might be healing humanity, inspiring humanity or leading humanity to a positive change.

To help you determine which type you belong to, here are the 12 types of Lightworkers and their traits:

The 12 Types Of A Lightworker

When identifying your Lightworker journey, you must pay attention to your inner guidance. Your intuition will guide you in discovering one or more unique gifts in you.

1. The Gridworkers and Gatekeepers12 Types Of A Lightworker - The Gridworkers and Gatekeepers

These Lightworkers deal with the grids on Gaia. They create the human grid that connects the hearts of all awakened humans. They are the actual doorways on the earth that connect sacred sites through lay lines and act as portals that allow light to come to this world through their open hearts.

Gatekeeping is a more advanced form of Gridwork in which Lightworkers work with a team to open interdimensional gates that allow higher levels of light and love to flow in. While Gridworkers bring light through already opened spiritual doorways on Gaia Gatekeepers open doorways where there weren’t any before, or even ones that were closed due to stagnation.

2. The Divine Lightkeepers12 Types Of A Lightworker - The Divine Lightkeepers

The core mission of this type is to embody the light. No matter the external circumstances, they’re here to retain higher vibrational frequency and presence. They are the lighthouse of humanity.

In tumultuous and chaotic events, their light shines enough to give hope and inspire others. These Lightworkers uplift and support humanity in the unfolding awakening process. Most of them are comedians, motivational speakers, spiritual teachers, celebrities or even local grounded individuals who you feel comfortable to lean on to.

3. The Transmuters

12 Types Of A Lightworker - The Transmuters

Transmuters neutralize the negativity and darkness by diving into it and releasing their light. When the negativity is returned to divine neutrality, it’s restored to balance. By transmuting past karma, transmuters work on behalf and for the collective consciousness of humanity.

They might also transmute along their ancestral lines. They may have chosen to be born into an ancestral line that has plenty of negative karma. They serve to release, dissolve, heal, and help their entire ancestral line’s vibration to level up.

4. The Healers12 Types Of A Lightworker - The Healers

Healers help practically everything: humanity, the earth, animals, souls and all beings by healing their mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual aspects. As a Healer, you must listen to your internal guidance about the modalities, techniques, and ways in using your gifts through service.

Most empaths are unrealized healers who need to use their emotional abilities to unlock their healing potential. It is important that you focus on healing yourself first because by doing so you can raise your vibration and fill up yourself with the light that can heal, support, serve, love and guide others.

5. The Seers12 Types Of A Lightworker - The Seers

These Lightworkers have opened the third eye or psychic sight making them able to see beyond the physical and the veil of illusion. Their gifts include providing readings or services to inspire, empower, and guide others to their truth and the truth of the world.

They may also focus on areas where their energy is much needed for healing, transmutation, or release. It’s here where their light, power, and presence make a big difference. These people are usually the ones who reveal the truth behind the shadows. Most of them are really good psychiatrists who are labeled as parapsychologists (think of Carl Jung), truth activists and even professional psychics.

6. The Divine Blueprint Holders12 Types Of A Lightworker - The Divine Blueprint Holders

Everyone has a divine blueprint, which is a template to a fully awakened self. All Lightworkers have this template, but the Divine Blueprint Holders are the most active in tuning into it and retrieving the codes of awakening. They are best at translating these codes so everyone can understand them and use them to raise the levels of their consciousness.

The Divine Blueprint Holders use sacred geometry and other sacred forms of communication through their work. They can be literally in any field and area of life but it’s the way the create and do things that matters. That’s how they subconsciously communicate The Divine Blueprint.

7. The Dreamers12 Types Of A Lightworker - The Dreamers

The Dreamers serve their gift by dreaming, interdimensional travel, and going into the dream space which allows them to access alternate dimensions of experience.

The Dreamers are usually people who are called psychonauts. They use certain rituals or supplements to embark on psychedelic trips and access realms and ideas that would later inspire and uplift the human spirit. If it weren’t for The Dreamers there wouldn’t be 90% of the art, technology and inventions we have in the world today.

8. The Messengers

12 Types Of A Lightworker - The Messengers

Messengers receive guidance and messages from the Divine, Angels, Ascended Masters, Galactics, and their Higher Self.

They share these messages through videos, blogging, teaching, or writing. Whatever media or platform, Messengers serve humanity through the awakening process by sharing powerful spiritual insight and information. They are explaining to people what’s happening to them making them better understand this journey of evolution through the guidance they receive from the Spirit.

9. The Manifestors12 Types Of A Lightworker - The Manifestors

These Lightworkers are involved in weaving light to manifest changes on the earth, which could come in the form of intending and manifesting timelines, manifesting positive events or creating the template for greater love, greater light and harmonious co-creation. They do this through various ways like meditation and visualization accompanied with self inspection.

The Manifestors manifest for the highest interest of all beings, Gaia, animals, and all of the humanity. But as they keep manifesting they work strongly on their inner selves to make sure their manifestations are not of egoistical nature but from their heart center. Most of these people don’t even focus on manifesting but on clearing the way so what they resonate with is for the good of all.

10. The Ascension Guides12 Types Of A Lightworker - The-Ascension-Guides

They are the ascending Lightworkers. They step into greater levels of light and share what they learn about the ascension process. These people step into the edge of enlightenment and push even further by questioning and embodying higher levels of light. Most of their teachings are aimed at the spiritual masters so they can push even further the spiritual evolution of humanity.

The Ascension Guides show us how to overcome some of the pitfalls of enlightenment to help everyone not lose themselves on their way to ascension. Some of their teachings might even contradict the regular teachings of Lightworkers. This is because they approach the truth from a much higher viewpoint and see the flaws that might surface with blind spirituality.

11. The Wayshowers12 Types Of A Lightworker - The-Wayshowers

Wayshowers walk their talk. They embody the ascension process and live their lives in the most authentic way. They keep the highest interest of all beings and live an awakened and inspired life. These people are not even aware that they serve humanity in some way. All that The Wayshowers do is live in resonance with their truth and the teachings other Lightworkers share with the world.

These people are the heart of the Lightworkers. They are what inspires and motivates other Lightworkers to keep doing what they are doing because there is still good in the world that needs their light. And by looking at them, other Lightworkers are reminded of what really matters.

12. The Unifiers12 Types Of A Lightworker - The Unifiers

These Lightworkers see how everything connects with everything else. They are really good at finding patterns and merging various philosophies into one. They are the translators that gather the teachings of other Lightworkers, the truths and philosophies of spiritual masters, and shape them in a way that is really easy for people to consume.

The Unifiers are good at perceiving the essence behind different opinions. That’s how they can find ways in connecting people together. They naturally see beyond the 2 sides and understand the whole that the 2 sides are a part of. These people are not just for translating but for unifying different teams of Lightworkers together so their impact can be much greater.

Even though you are mostly identifying yourself with one of the 12 types of Lightworkers, you are likely to have some traits from all the other. We are all a different mix of these types based on how these secondary types can benefit the realization of our primary type’s purpose.

Source: Gostica > http://www.ask-angels.com/ by Melanie Beckler;
Inspired By: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oaPQmAuYnvQ;

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Chester Bennington: Linkin Park star’s heartfelt last interview ‘We’re all human beings’


He gave this heartbreaking interview  one month ago where he talked about feeling happier than ever and at peace.

Bennington added: “There’s more peace and a quiet because I’ve earned that. I’ve worked for it and I have tools…

“We’re all really happy and stoked about what we’ve created and we’re stoked about how we’ve grown as a band and as friends.

“Making this record was not only great for us creatively but great for us as people too.”

The interview was done for German music magazine and site BILD Musik.

At the end Bennington made a plea for fans to realise that their heroes also have feet of clay.

Bennington ended the interview by saying: “I think it’s important for people to realise that we’re actually human beings, too.”

Throughout the 40-minute chat he and bandmate Mike Shinoda talk candidly about their lives and Bennington opens up about his drug use and previous troubles.

Shinoda has just revealed how he is “heartbroken” at the loss of his friend and bandmate.

Bennington said in the interview: “You can elevate your consciousness, your spirituality by just acknowledging there is a problem. Once you do that you’ve created space between you and that problem. Even if it’s just a moment you have a second to reflect and breathe on it.

Watch here:

RIP Chester.

Source: BuzzyNewsUk

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The Synchronicity Is Strong At The Moment, Can You Feel It?


Have you noticed how intense the more recent synchronicities have become? The synchronistic events I have been experiencing have been almost constant and forever more amazing than I could have ever hoped for.

I have met up with old friends whom I thought I had completely lost touch with, and I even managed to move forward in life following a near death experience. I see repeating numbers more often than I don’t and I am amazed at how much the Universe is sending my way.

With that being said, it does not appear that I am the only one experiencing this as other people seem to be feeling it, too. The Universe is giving them so much and yet asking for so little. Even when I meditate I feel this intense energy far more full than I have in the past, surging through me. There has to be some sort of explanation for this. Is there some sort of new super positive energy coming from somewhere unknown?

I am able to rid myself of negativity far more easily than I ever have before, and when I am with my like minded friends it seems as if there is a complete ball of energy exploding from within us. Where could all of this energy be coming from? Is this what it feels like to reach a new level of higher consciousness? Is this a level with which I am unfamiliar?

This year the synchronicities I have been experiencing have been far more intense. They are everywhere and so much more inviting than I had ever hoped they would be. The more I am in nature the more powerful I feel.

While many of you will think I am crazy for thinking this way, and for all I know you may not even understand what I am saying but this is truly life changing. Is this some sort of quantum entanglement we are unaware of?

While I do not have all of the answers or any of them for that matter I can feel the energy that is making its way through this planet and into our lives. Whether this is a simple frequency change or some sort of mass awakening we will soon know. If you are sensitive enough to have noticed this please let us know.

Have you been feeling what I have been feeling? For those who are not familiar with synchronicity please check out the video below.

Inspired by an article written by Truth Theory.

The post The Synchronicity Is Strong At The Moment, Can You Feel It? appeared first on Educate Inspire Change.

This Syrian Artist Painted World Leaders As Refugees and The Results Are Stunning


In this interesting series Abdalla Al Omari, a refugee himself puts world leaders in the shoes of his fellow refugees. These politicians are some of the most common and well known, it is quite interesting to see them painted in such a manner.

Omari uses painting as a means of bringing to light the vulnerable side of things. These politicians seem to have some of their humanity given back to them in these paintings and these are without a doubt something of a powerful message. There are so many refugees out there and many countries do not allow them.

Of course, there is no easy solution for the refugee crisis we need to work harder to solve it. Remembering that these people are real and going through something terrible is important. The Syrian civil war has created over five million refugees with few places to go.

Take a look at the paintings below and let us know what you think. It is obvious that Omari is very talented. I am in awe! How many politicians do you recognize, can you name them all?

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad

Former British Prime Minister David Cameron

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

North Korea’s supreme leader Kim Jong-un

German Chancellor Angela Merkel

Russin President Vladimir Putin

Former U.S. President Barack Obama

United States President Donald Trump

Former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

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9 Lessons of The Afterlife From Near-Death Survivors


What really happens when we die? This is a question I often ask myself and many people I know converse over the topic quite frequently.

Sure, I feel like I have a good understanding of what the spirit realm would be and where the Universe takes us when we pass, but I won’t ever know the true extent to what happens until my time comes. After reading over many different near-death experiences, I have noticed that there is a lot more going on in the afterlife than we think. We cannot even begin to fathom what life after death is or will be like unless we have experienced it or a ‘near’ it.

Not all near death experiences are the same either, the results vary person to person depending on what it is they need to see or learn. That being said, there is a definite core theme to most. We all seem to perceive things differently as well so something you experience may mean one thing to you and another entirely different thing to someone else.

Below you will find a list of 9 lessons of the afterlife I have found in my near-death experience research that seem to be spot on.

1. Death Is Not The End

This is the most important of all the lessons I am going to go over. Whether you feel like you are hovering over your body or are crossing a bridge speaking to family members who had passed before you there is something more going on.

2. There Is No Space Or Time In Death

When we are in near-death situations minutes in the real world can feel like days or even months in the afterlife.

3. We Die To Grow

When we die we are reviewing our lives. We experience everything from every life we have gone through before.

4. We Are All Connected

This is something we should all know to be true even in life. We all are connected. We are all made up of the same thing and when the Universe calls us home we reconnect with those who have disconnected from this world and gone on to the next.

5. You Can Sense The Emotions of Your Loved One

You can feel all that those who love you are feeling when you pass. This is true for those who are newly passed and those you encounter on your journey that has been passed for quite some time. It seems lots of people who are experiencing near-death experiences when speaking with those who passed before them they mention feeling guilty for leaving behind those who care for them.

6. We Only Pass When It Is Time For Us To Pass

If it is not your time to die you will not die. Someone either a stranger in the afterlife or a deceased loved one will let you know that it is not your time, if it is not your time and you will return to your body.

7. The Afterlife Is Like Nothing We Have Ever Experienced Before

There is nothing in this world that could compare. Be it a good experience or bad the afterlife is intense and fascinating. There is no pain and many people consider it to be euphoric.

8. Dying Is Quite Easy

There is nothing hard about dying. It happens quickly and there is actually not as much struggle as you would think there would be when it comes to leaving the body. The process itself is as simple as rising out of your seat but this time you’re leaving your body behind.

9. There Is Peace

Death is peaceful, it is so peaceful that many people who are in near-death experiences become angry at having returned to their bodies.

To check out some near death experiences for yourself click here. There is so much that goes on once we have passed. What do you think happens when we die?

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The 12 Stages of Awakening Each Person Has to Go Through Before Achieving Enlightenment


Awakened souls are able to attract other awakened souls as they are able to recognize the vibrations of one another. The awakening process is a long one, but it is well worth every single step!

When you are fully awakened it is up to you to help others on their paths to being fully awake as well. You will notice people who have just barely began their journey and they need you. Awakening is something that continues on for quite some time, but if you really think about it there are many checkpoints along the way.

These checkpoints are things that slowly work together to transform a person’s life into what it needs to be. If you are awake looking over the list below will definitely remind you of your past experiences and if you are not it will give you insight on the things to come. Please pay close attention to these stages and do not try to skip any as it will put you right back to the start.

Stage 1: Confusion

You will not know where you need to go in life. Things will seem dull and boring but at the same time confusing. You will be at a loss for words and afraid of moving forward in life.

Stage 2: Restlessness

You will feel frustrated and upset about how your life is going. You will wonder where things went wrong and fill yourself up with a burning desire to make a change.

Stage 3: Realization

You will begin to see things differently. You will experience things on a different level than before but the pain will not go away.

Stage 4: Tug of War

It will feel as if you are playing a game of tug of war with yourself and losing. You will be nervous and tired but you will not give up.

Stage 5: Fear

You will begin filling yourself with fear and wonder if you really should continue on this path. You will muster up the courage to leap into the unknown all the while things are crumbling around you.

Stage 6: Darkness

Things will continue to collapse and you will end up living in complete darkness. You will be completely terrified about what is to come and wonder how things could ever get better.

Stage 7: Change

You will begin to wonder if a change needs to be made from within yourself. You will take the time to reflect and find happiness from within.

Stage 8: Connectedness

You will realize that in order to change the world you need to better yourself and you will begin to feel more connected to the universe surrounding you.

Stage 9: Gratitude

You will begin researching the metaphysical and appreciating the life you have been given. You will follow the urges that come with this and begin working to find your higher purpose.

Stage 10: Synchronicity

You will begin noticing the small things that the universe is sending your way. Your conscious mind is expanding and you are beginning to notice all the numbers and shapes of the universe.

Stage 11: Self Authenticity

You will gain more clarity when it comes to your purpose in life. You will focus on your energy and your true self will begin to come out.

Stage 12: Higher Consciousness

Your mind will have changed drastically by this point and things will begin unfolding. You are no longer afraid of the challenged that come your way. You are working alongside the Divine progress and feel loved. You are aware now that this life is temporary and that you are here to make this world a better place.

The whole awakening process is something put in place to make this life easier for you. Once you get past the first few stages you will feel much more secure in this world. Peace is well on its way. Pay attention to what the universe wants for you. Do not ignore it.

Inspired by An Article Written by Forever Conscious.

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10 Types of Pain That Are Directly Linked to Emotional States


Have you ever noticed that what you are going through on the inside can affect how you feel on the outside? Like if you’re emotionally upset you may be physically suffering as well, this is much more common than you might think.

If you are dealing with stress or holding onto some sort of emotional burden it could be affecting you in ways you would never have thought. Pain in your body is something you should always pay attention to. I, for one, tend to have more stress headaches than most people, but now that I know what they are, dealing with them has been much easier. What is your body trying to tell you?

1. Pain In Your Head

If you are experiencing pain in your head like headaches or even migraines this is likely being caused by stress. When you feel a stress headache coming on it is important to sit down and relax while you can to prevent it from getting worse.

2. Pain In Your Neck

If you are dealing with neck pains you may be struggling with something on the inside. You could be having trouble letting go of something that someone else did. Forgiving others is important, try not to hold onto the wrong things. When this happens try to consider the feelings of those who you love that you may have been shunning.

3. Pain In Your Shoulders

Shoulder pain could be seen as an indicator of a heavy emotional burden you are carrying. Do you have an extra emotional burden you are carrying? Can you release any of this burden? Share the load with someone you trust. You may feel as if the weight of the world has been lifted off of your shoulders after.

4. Pain In Your Upper Back

Pain here means you need something more than what you are getting. You are lacking emotional support and you may even feel unwanted. This can develop into a very serious issue if not addressed quickly.

5. Pain In Your Lower Back

Lower back pain has been associated with financial worrying. This is also something you should talk to someone about. No one should carry a financial burden on their shoulders without talking about it.

6. Pain In The Hands

This means you are reaching to others in ways that are not doing you any good. You need to try to do things differently. This is what we call isolation pain and if you want to combat it you need to go out and find more friends. Make new connections in this world.

7. Pain In Your Hips

Hip pain means you are afraid of something. You need to change but are refusing to. Something is overwhelming you with fear and it needs to be addressed. Stop being so resistant when it comes to change and let things happen as they should. You are only making things worse, the Universe has a plan for you.

8. Pain In The Knees

Is your ego a little too big? Knee pain could mean you need to stop being so selfish and think of the people in your life. Humble yourself.

9. Pain In The Calves

Calf pain can stem from jealousy. If you have been obsessing over something someone else has or has done now may be the time to get over it. Be content in where you are and who you are in this world. There is always be things in this life you do not have but want.

10. Pain In The Feet

Depression can sometimes lead to foot pain. Do something that makes you happy and doesn’t bother fooling with the things that don’t. Depression is a hard cookie to crumble but you can do it.

If you are dealing with chronic pain take these things into consideration and of course, if need be seen a doctor. You are important and making sure you are taking care of both your physical self and emotional self is crucial. Don’t let your struggles knock you off of your feet, you are far too strong for that.

Inspired by an article written by Psychology Today.

The post 10 Types of Pain That Are Directly Linked to Emotional States appeared first on Educate Inspire Change.

The Mystery of The Bermuda Triangle Has Finally Been Solved!


The Bermuda Triangle is considered to be a place of death and mystery by many, but it may not quite be what it seems.

Why do we assume the Bermuda Triangle is so special? When you mention something opposing any mystery around the Bermuda Triangle people are quick to respond with things like ‘So many people disappear there,’ and ‘their bodies are never found.’ Okay, for one there is actually no statistically significant difference in that specific region than any other part of the world. While it is the most talked about place of disappearances it is the same as anywhere else.

During an on-air interview with news.com.au, Karl Kruszelnicki, a very well known science communicator out of Australia made his opinion on the matter very clear. Which is, the number of vessels and aircraft that disappear in the area “is the same as anywhere else in the world on a percentage basis.”

“It is close to the equator, near a wealthy part of the world, America, therefore you have a lot of traffic.”

He says that the mystery behind the Bermuda Triangle began a long time ago when several high-profile military convoys and their rescue missions went down in the region between WWI and WWII.

While people were quick to think there was something going on this was nothing more than terrible weather and unvarying aircrafts as well as boats. This ensured plenty of disappearances not only in the Bermuda Triangle, but other places as well. Sounds possible, right?

Bodies and wreckage were not found in most cases, but there is a simple explanation for this; it is a massive body of water and incredibly deep. Because of the highly publicized disappearances, a legend was born.

No reputable scientific organization considers the Bermuda Triangle to be of significance so should we really be obsessing over it? Conspiracy theorists and fake news sources like to make something out of nothing, and this happens to be one of those cases.

To hear Kruszelnicki speak about his views on the Bermuda Triangle please check out the video below. What do you think? Is it really as mysterious as people have made it out to be?

The post The Mystery of The Bermuda Triangle Has Finally Been Solved! appeared first on Educate Inspire Change.

How To Read Auras – What Is The Meaning Of Each Colour?


Learn all about auras, how to read auras, how to see your aura, aura colors and what each aura color means.

All living things that need oxygen to survive have an aura. They generate a large magnetic energy field that can be sensed, felt and even seen around the physical body. We all can tell when someone doesn’t feel good to us, like they are full of anger or if they really live in their heart and feel deeply. You do not need to be psychic to feel/read an aura.

If a person walks past, very close to you, they may unintentionally steal some of your energy. If someone suddenly reaches out and grabs your arm, they are interrupting the flow of energy around your body. An example of this might be a time when you were talking to someone and you thought they were standing to close to you. You may have even thought to yourself, “They’re in my space,” and then you backed away. Even this slight intrusion into your aura or ‘space’ can interrupt your personal flow of energy and you may feel like you have been slimed.

An aura is usually 3 feet from your physical body, however an incest or rape survivor has an aura about 50 feet around them, which means in a movie theater or a bus/train you sit in their stuff!!! I can clean this for you.

Auras are commonly associated with people. Sometimes we even use them to describe people: “He has an aura about him,” or “She just has a glow about her”. But in fact all living things generate this Explanations of the color in any aurafield of energy. When associated to a person, the aura can provide insight into the spiritual, emotional and physical aspects of the individual.

Life is full of color and like so many other things on your path, color also has meaning. They are representations of messages from your higher self, God, dreams, whatever the label. But you don’t have to be a Metaphysician to understand the importance of color in your life. It exists in every day experiences.

Many people associate the color white with God, pink with love and purple with royalty or spirituality. The following is a brief outline of primary colors and their common interpretation.

To cleanse your aura, Sage, Incense, Sweet grass and Florida Water, I sell the products on my other site www.morethangems.com

Explanations Of The Color In Any Aura

Red Aura: What are Red Auras and what does it mean to have red as one of the dominant colors of the Aura? The Aura color that surrounds an individual reflects their personality and point to their future destiny.Red Aura: What are Red Auras and what does it mean to have red as one of the dominant colors of the Aura? The Aura color that surrounds an individual reflects their personality and point to their future destiny.

Red Aura people are enthusiastic and energetic individuals, forever on the lookout for new adventures. They are adventurous with food, travel and sexual partners. The mantra of the Red Aura color individual is “I’ll try anything once.” Because of their devil-may-care approach to life they often find themselves in hot water.

Red Aura people are quick to anger and can lose their temper over the slightest thing. But on the upside they are generous with their time and energy when called upon for help.

They are normally strong in body and mind and do not succumb to physical or mental illness easily. Because of their robust health and fitness the Red Aura individual likes to be physical and will excel in sports. People with a predominant red Aura color can easily become bored and need to move on to different interests, projects and relationships. Because then they leave lots of unfinished ventures in their wake. But if they set their mind to a project and can stick to it, they will have remarkable success and can become extremely wealthy.

Red Aura people are direct, to the point and forthright and are not afraid to make their point of view heard. They don’t normally have hidden agendas or ulterior motives. What you see is what you get with the open and up front Red Aura individual.

Above all else the Red Aura individual needs to be number one. Their competitive nature and need to succeed will drive them towards great success in life. They are not good team players and won’t take orders from others. Because then they will prefer to run their own one man business or be in positions of authority over others.

Yellow Aura:

What are Yellow Auras and what does it mean to have Yellow as one of the dominant colors of the Aura? The Aura colors that surround an individual reflect their personality and point to their future destiny. What are Yellow Auras and what does it mean to have Yellow as one of the dominant colors of the Aura? The Aura colors that surround an individual reflect their personality and point to their future destiny.

Yellow Aura people are analytical, logical and very intelligent. They tend to excel in careers that involve teaching and study and make excellent inventors and scientists. They can have a tendency to work too hard and can easily become a workaholic putting their work above personal relationships.

Yellow Aura people are perfectly happy in their own company and do not suffer loneliness. They are prone to mental health pressures, though and can become withdrawn and depressed when stressed.
The Yellow Aura individual is a brilliant communicator and can display their skills on a one to one basis and in front of large crowds. They are confident in their abilities to get their ideas and messages across and will inspire others.

Yellow Aura people have very good observation skills and can read people easily. They possess extremely good perception. Because they do not suffer fools gladly and will choose their few friends carefully. Any friends they do have will need to match the Yellow Aura person’s wit and intellect.

The Yellow Aura individual tends to put their head above their heart when faced with difficult choices and decision making. They are unorthodox and unconventional thinkers and not afraid to experiment with different ideas and original concepts. To some the Yellow Aura seems a little eccentric with unusual interests and hobbies. They are attracted to anything which is considered avant-garde, intellectual or unusual.

The main fault of a person who has a predominant Yellow Aura is that they can be overly critical of themselves and others.

Pink Aura:

What are Pink Auras and what does it mean to have pink as one of the dominant colors of the Aura? The Aura colors that surround an individual usually can reflect their personality and point to their future destiny. What are Pink Auras and what does it mean to have pink as one of the dominant colors of the Aura? The Aura colors that surround an individual usually can reflect their personality and point to their future destiny.

Pink Aura people are by nature loving and giving. They love to be loved too, they gather around them close friends and family at every opportunity. They like to host family events and are very generous of their time. They have a high regard for their health and will look after their bodies with good diet, nutrition and exercise.

Pink Aura people are very romantic and once they have found their soulmate will stay faithful, loving and loyal for life.

The Pink Aura individual is a natural healer, highly sensitive to the needs of others and has strong psychic abilities. They also have very creative ideas and strong imaginations. Because these personality traits the Pink Aura person makes great writers of novels, poetry or song lyrics.
The Pink Aura individual hates injustice, poverty and conflicts. They strive always to make the world a better place and will make personal sacrifices in the pursuit of this ideal.

Pink Aura people are strong willed and highly disciplined and will expect high standards from others. They have strong values and morals and seldom deviate from them. Because of their honesty and likable nature they are valued as employees but also make excellent employers because of their sense of fairness.

Green Aura:

Green Aura people are highly creative and very hard working. They strive for perfection in everything they do. They have a very determined and down to earth nature and will not allow fanciful dreams and unrealistic ideas to color their world.Green Aura people are highly creative and very hard working. They strive for perfection in everything they do. They have a very determined and down to earth nature and will not allow fanciful dreams and unrealistic ideas to color their world.

Their creativity takes the form of practical matters such as gardening, cooking and home decorating. The Green Aura individual has a fine eye for beauty and will ensure their appearance and clothing, home and surroundings are both practical and beautiful.

Green Aura people tend to be very popular, admired and respected. They make for very successful business people and can create much wealth and prosperity for themselves. Green Aura people like security, stability and balance in their lives. Any plans they make a well thought out and because this, they seldom make rash mistakes.

Close friends of Green Aura people will be treated to generosity, loyalty and practical advice. Green Aura people do not suffer fools gladly and choose their friends very carefully. People with a predominant green Aura tend to be rather health-conscious and ensure their diet is nutritious; health giving and tasty. They are always in tune with nature and love the great outdoors.

Orange Aura:

Orange Aura people are gregarious, generous, social souls. They love to be in the company of others and don't mind being the center of attention or just another face in the crowd. They want to please others and are often the best gift givers, being very thoughtful and generous. Orange Aura people are gregarious, generous, social souls. They love to be in the company of others and don’t mind being the center of attention or just another face in the crowd. They want to please others and are often the best gift givers, being very thoughtful and generous.

The Orange Aura individual is normally good-hearted, kind and honest. They are very in tune to the emotions of others and can sense and feel their pain and joy. Orange Aura people can be very charming, but part of their charm is in their sensitivity to others. They have the ability to make everyone feel at ease in their company.


The Orange Aura individual can be hot headed and quick to lose their temper. But on the positive side they are equally quick to forgive and forget if a sincere apology is offered and accepted. They do not hold grudges.

Orange Aura people are confident of the impression they make on others and can use this to their advantage. They tend to lead very successful and happy lives. On the down side Orange Aura people tend to be impatient and tend to rush into projects, relationships and experiences too quickly. They normally need to act immediately and consider the consequences later.

Purple Aura:

Purple Aura people are highly psychic, attuned to the emotions and moods of others and very sensitive. People who have a predominant amount of purple in their Aura are seen as mysterious and secretive. Purple Aura people are highly psychic, attuned to the emotions and moods of others and very sensitive. People who have a predominant amount of purple in their Aura are seen as mysterious and secretive.

The Purple Aura individual possesses a philosophical, enquiring and intuitive mind. They love to learn and never stop exploring and enquiring into new subjects and areas that interest them. Because this they tend to be extremely interesting and knowledgeable people.

The Purple Aura individual does not have a wide circle of many friends. But the friends they do have are held close and are respected, admired and loved. People with a predominant purple Aura tend to be unlucky in love but once they have found their perfect soul mate is loyal and loving for life.

Purple Aura people connect well with animals and nature. They are attuned to animals and can sense their emotions and feelings. Purple Aura people tend to take in and care for strays as their loving and caring nature makes it difficult for them to turn strays away.

Blue Aura:

Having a predominant blue Aura or energy field surrounding you can point to a number of personality traits. Totally blue Auras are quite rare but can show up as one of the boldest Aura colors in people with strong personalitiesHaving a predominant blue Aura or energy field surrounding you can point to a number of personality traits. Totally blue Auras are quite rare but can show up as one of the boldest Aura colors in people with strong personalities.

Blue Aura people are the master communicators of the world. They have the ability to convey their thoughts, ideas, views and concepts eloquently and charismatically. They make for excellent writers, poets and politicians.

Blue Aura people are also highly intelligent and very intuitive. They certainly have the head and heart balanced in making difficult decisions and choices. They are incredibly good organizers and can motivate and inspire others.

People who have a predominant amount of blue in their Auras are peacemakers and have the ability to calmly smooth out angry situations. They prize truthfulness, direct communication and clarity in all their relationships. The downside of the Blue Aura personality is that they can take on too much, become workaholics and neglect their personal relationships.

Gold Aura:

Gold Aura people are lovers of beauty and have a very artistic flair. They appreciate the finer things in life and like to adorn themselves and their homes with items of exquisite beauty. They love to entertain and prefer the company of many. They do not feel intimated by being the center of attention - just the opposite in fact as they like to be the sparkling gem in a stunning crown. Gold Aura people are lovers of beauty and have a very artistic flair. They appreciate the finer things in life and like to adorn themselves and their homes with items of exquisite beauty. They love to entertain and prefer the company of many. They do not feel intimated by being the center of attention – just the opposite in fact as they like to be the sparkling gem in a stunning crown.

The Gold Aura individuals are very attractive and love to attract attention, affection and admiration from lots of people. Because this the Gold Aura person will have many, many friends. But they are not just takers of time, affection and attention; the Gold Aura individual will give of their time, energy and love generously.

The charm and charisma displayed by the Gold Aura personality adds to their attractiveness. They are great listeners and can make anyone feel comfortable, important and interesting in their company.
Gold Aura people hate to be criticized and cannot stand any of their flaws exposed. Their main flaw is that of being overly lavish. They like to impress and give the most generous gifts and host the most impressive social gatherings, even if their budget won’t allow this.

They are very proud and fiercely independent and extremely reluctant to ask for help from anyone.

White Aura / Silver Aura:

Silver Aura people are exceptionally gifted. How they use their gifts wisely is their life lesson. Silver Aura individuals are bestowed with sensitivity, intuitiveness, psychic ability and practicality. They can use their spiritual understanding in very practical ways. Because this they can relate to many people and are often found in teaching, mentoring or counseling careers.Silver Aura people are exceptionally gifted. How they use their gifts wisely is their life lesson. Silver Aura individuals are bestowed with sensitivity, intuitiveness, psychic ability and practicality. They can use their spiritual understanding in very practical ways. Because this they can relate to many people and are often found in teaching, mentoring or counseling careers.

Silver Aura people have immense versatility and adaptability and are capable of getting the most out of virtually every opportunity in life. Their high intellect enables then to make the right decisions quickly and follow through with action.

People who have predominant silver Auras are seen as very attractive. They attract many admirers. But Silver Aura people are very discerning and choose their friends carefully and their lovers very carefully.

Silver Aura people tend to be well blessed in looks, personality and talent and as such are seen as incredibly lucky people. Success seems to come easily to Silver Aura people.

Brown Aura:

Light Brown indicates confusion or discouragement. The lack of confidence in ones self, the present situation or in the subject being addressed. Dark Brown indicates selfishness, fault finding, and a tendency toward deception.

Black Aura:

Indicates hatred, negativity, major illness or depression, cheap, miserly. This color is always a bad sign.

Source: in5d

The post How To Read Auras – What Is The Meaning Of Each Colour? appeared first on Educate Inspire Change.

Watch: Conor McGregor’s Biggest Strength Is His Power Of Belief


My success isn’t a result of arrogance – it’s a result of belief. – Conor McGregor.

Conor McGregor is the probably the biggest name in sport right now. Wether you love him or hate you cannot deny his brilliance.  He has silenced so many of his doubters by producing result after result but what people love most about him I think is his self belief and passion. So many people cannot help but believe in him simply because he is so damn convincing. In his mind he is the greatest fighter to ever live and it really is as simple as that to him.

You only have to hear him speak and watch him fight and you will be hooked by his skill and charm.

Check out this video I found:

Do you believe? Please follow the page Mystic Mac on Facebook if you want to find more inspirational videos from The Notorious One.

The post Watch: Conor McGregor’s Biggest Strength Is His Power Of Belief appeared first on Educate Inspire Change.

The Female Malignant Narcissist is Just as Dangerous as Her Male Counterpart


When you think of a ‘narcissistic person’ what comes to mind? Is the image in your mind that of a man or a woman?

We far too often overlook the female narcissist. She does just as much damage as her male counterpart and yet for some reason, we simply underplay her role. You see, the female narcissist engages in the same type of behavior that teenage girls do, relational aggression. This meaning they sometimes are simply cast into a group of ‘mean girls’ and never given a second thought.

The malignant female narcissist does not often outgrow the excessive sense of entitlement and continues to lack empathy throughout her life. She adjusts herself to the environment she is feeding off and then she lets things unfold. She knows she is protected by the stereotypes she wedges herself into the gentle lady, loving mother, sweet old lady, and so forth. While you would assume her to be nurturing and sweet she could just have you fooled.

The female narcissist can cause the same amount of damage if not more when compared to her male counterpart. She will be sadistic and find joy in taking others down. She is ruthless and will not give a second thought to devouring her victim.

She is competitive in every sense of the word. Relational aggression as mentioned above is a very common form of bullying among girls who are less expressive physically. She will blind her followers and use less noticed methods to take out any threats that come her way. Deception is one of her strong points. She will put those she sees as a threat on a pedestal and gain their trust all the while setting them up to fail and pushing them into the unknown in the end.

If you fear there may be a female narcissist in your group of friends see if the following applies to you:

  • Your friends sweet talk you from the beginning.

  • You notice the group speaking ill of other people when they are not around.

  • You notice an odd energy when you enter a room.

  • Someone is overly friendly to you but seems rude to others.

  • You find yourself being excluded from the group and notice people know things you only told to them.

If you really think about these things it really is teenage bullying all over again. According to Christine Hammond, LMHC (2015), the female narcissist battles with other females for dominance while males use their charm to achieve their goals. Females only use their charm and appearance to achieve superiority.

Another scary thing about the female narcissist is that she most often has a plethora of admirers. This consisting mainly of men who she has dated that just won’t go away, She uses them to evoke jealousy in her romantic partners and creates love triangles for the fun of it. She loves attention no matter what it takes to get it.

For more information on the female narcissist please check out the video below. If you think you may be the target of a female narcissist do not let them provoke you. Giving them the response they are looking for will only fuel the fire.

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7 Badass Personality Traits of People Who Like Being Alone


Do you like to be alone more than you enjoy the company of others? You aren’t alone in this, and as an introvert, there are a number of personality traits you carry that others don’t.

Of course, this isn’t specific to introverts, as even some extroverts enjoy their time alone. However, those of us that do enjoy our alone time has 7 special personality traits. So, without further ado, here they are.

1. They Are Good Listeners

Being able to enjoy time alone allows for times of reflection. Because of this, those that actually enjoy being alone are better listeners. 

2. They Are Self-Sufficient

When you are able to spend time alone, you are more prone to being able to ground yourself and to depend on yourself, rather than having to depend on the presence of others for comfort.

3. They Are Observant

Those who enjoy being alone are very attuned to their environments. Because of this, they are more likely to notice something different, like a haircut.

4. They Are Good Researchers

All that time spent alone and in reflection makes you a good researcher because you can find things for yourself.

5. They Are In Touch With Their Feelings

Spending more time alone allows you to be more in touch with your emotions and feelings. Not only that, but you are able to decipher negative thoughts and emotions and separate them from the good. 

6. They Are Thought Provoking

They aren’t looking for dull conversation. Instead, they strive for true communication and real talk.

7. They Enjoy the Company of One or Two TRUE Friends

Rather than spending hours on end with large groups of people, they enjoy the company of one of two true friends.

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Microwave Ovens Don’t Just Nuke Your Food They Nuke Your Heart


If you are health conscious you probably won’t use a microwave too often. Many people have faded away from the convenience of a microwave oven because of the dangerous health risks they pose. 

Microwave ovens not only nuke our food and destroy any nutritional value that it has, but it is also having a seriously negative effect on your heart. Typical microwave frequency radiation from the microwave in an average American kitchen puts off more than enough radiation to affect your heart rate and heart rate variability. Just 2.4 GHz can cause immediate and drastic changes to your heart. The shocking part is that 2.4Ghz is the average frequency given out by your WiFi router and microwave ovens.

Dr. Magda Havas of Trent University studied the effects of microwaving your food for some time now, and according to him, people exposed to radiation for just three minutes at 2.4Ghz can experience severe reactions in heart changes and altered heart rate variations – including an alarm response to stress. This is also called electrohypersensitivity (EHS), or rapid aging syndrome. It has been studied for multiple decades, and this response includes heart palpitations, clumping of red blood cells, and fluctuations of the parasympathetic nervous system typical of a fight or flight response.

Many people over the years have claimed that microwave ovens do not produce any immediate biological effects because the ordinary household level is so far below the federal guidelines. However, in the modern day world, there are more sources of environmental radiation like electromagnetic devices, WiFi routers, laptops, and cell phones.]

“This is the first study that documents immediate and dramatic changes in both heart rate and heart rate variability caused by an approved device that generates microwaves at levels well below (0.3 percent) federal guidelines in both Canada and the United States.”

Just like chemotherapy, the Nazi’s invented microwave ovens during world war II. They created a device to provide mobile food support for their troops when they invaded the Soviet Union. Russia later banned the ovens when they figured out how dangerous they were, but of course not the United States.

Dr. Hans Ulrich Hertel was one of the first food scientists to study the effects of microwaves on the blood and physiology of human beings. He and his biochemistry expert partners concluded that microwaves resulted in negative health effects. They reported that they can cause higher cholesterol levels, decreased numbers of red blood cells, decreased hemoglobin levels and decreased numbers of leukocytes.

The extra fifteen minutes in the oven might be the better idea in order to avoid major health complications. You’re not just nuking your food, you’re nuking your blood, brain, and disturbing your heart rate. Doesn’t sound as convenient anymore, does it?

The post Microwave Ovens Don’t Just Nuke Your Food They Nuke Your Heart appeared first on Educate Inspire Change.

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